Life is reporting that Senator Sam Brownback has introduced a bill to require abortionists to show a woman considering an abortion an ultrasound of the unborn. That would surely reduce the number of abortions. Crisis Pregnancy Center volunteers will tell you that the man almost always bonds with the child and the mother chooses life.
This would be a great way to make abortion rare. But abortion advocates won't go for it. There are a lot of reasons, but they really don't believe in making abortion rare. Abortion is going down because of abstinence sex education, commitments to wait until marriage (even though they are usually broken, the delayed entrance to sex makes a difference), informed consent laws, parental notification laws, partial birth abortion (the education), federal funding bans, clinic standards... all of these have reduced abortion, but abortion advocates oppose all of them and/or ridicule them.
But that's because they are not serious about reducing abortion. And it's probably more than the money they make on abortion, though the money is a big deal. Many of them truly believe that the worst thing for the mother, the child-as if being killed is better than being poor, abused or unwanted- and society is to have the child.
If they really cared about making abortion rare, they would send pregnant women to crisis pregnancy centers.
And by the way, abortion advocates criticize us for talking women out of abortions. I'll let you decide what kind of mentality that is. It tells the kid it would be better if they were dead. Of course they wouldn't say that. Well, some would, but that's what their mentality says.
The fact that they think that talking a woman out of an abortion is a bad thing shows they are not serious about reducing abortions. They will oppose the ultrasound bill because like a salesman on a used car lot (a noble profession) who knows he or she will lose the sale if the buyer leaves the lot, Planned Parenthood and abortionists know that if women see an ultrasound, they'll lose the sale. The woman will choose life. They'll lose their money and the woman will "do harm" to herself by having the kid. That's who they are and how they think.
The determinism that they preach "your life is over if something unexpected like a baby comes along when you aren't 'ready'" is paralyzing. But that's for another time.
Pro-choice and undecided people will support the ultrasound bill, but not abortion advocates.