Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No Hope For Unborn And Pre-Maturely Born With Obama

We know presidential candidate Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is no friend of life and would be a disaster for the pro-life cause, but what about presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama, the messenger of hope?

There's no hope for unborn children or for children born prematurely with Obama. Obama is a radical abortion supporter who would support Partial Birth Abortion and limited infanticide.

Obama is an abortion radical who not only has pledged to sign the "Freedom of Choice Act" which would undo every federal and state law on abortion including tax payer abortion funding bans, parental involvement laws, conscience laws, the partial birth abortion ban, informed consent, political free speech rights and etc, Obama also opposed a Born Alive Infant Protection Act when he was a State Senator in Illinois.

The Born Alive Infants Protection Act was passed in 2002 and ensures that infants, who are born alive at any stage of development, are individual human beings who are entitled to the full protections of the law. This law provides guaranteed legal protection whether or not the infant's delivery was natural or the result of an abortion. Nearly everyone supports this, but not Senator Obama.

The House and Senate, after initial opposition from NARAL Pro-Choice America, voted unanimously to pass the bill. In 2001, while still an Illinois State Senator, Obama was the sole opponent of a Born Alive Infants Protection bill. In 2003 a year after the Born Alive Infants Protection Act was passed by the Congress, identical language was considered by an Illinois Senate committee. The committee's chairman led the attack that defeated the bill. That chairman was Barack Obama.

In Obama's world there's no hope for preborn children or children born preterm. Obama thinks protections for preterm born alive infants would undermine abortion rights and he is willing to sacrifice children born before full term on the altar of abortion. To qualify for hope in Obama's world, you have to be a wanted child born at full term.

There will be arguments from people claiming to be pro-life and anti-abortion to support Obama. But those are for another time.

We are in another important election for pro- lifers. We are near one of our most important goals, replacing pro-abortion Supreme Court justices with pro-life ones to overturn Roe. This is the day we have worked to see for decades. It's a moment that may not come for another generation.

Pro- lifers should be clear, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama, like Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, is no friend of life and would prevent pro-lifers from getting control of the Court and would sign legislation undoing pro-life laws and would use his powers to overturn pro-life policies.

Abortion Still Not Safe 35 Years After Becoming Legal

Nurse Jill Stanek who broke the story at Christ Hospital in Illinois that babies were being left to die without treatment, and who was a key witness for passage of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, has a column today at World Net Daily on her fourth annual abortionist of the year award.  Here are her contestants.  If you think abortion is safe now that is legal, think again.  Here are some from this year. 

  • Malachy DeHenre: Found guilty this January for murdering his wife after losing his medical license in Alabama, New York and Mississippi for botched abortions, rape, and death of a patient.

  • Alberto Hodari: Late-termer caught on videotape in November speaking to Medical Students for Choice at Wayne State University in Michigan, invited despite having been previously accused of killing two patients. Hodari bragged about lying to patients and families and not washing hands between abortions, among other grossities.

  • George Kabacy: Former Oregon Planned Parenthood slice-and-dicer who pleaded guilty in Washington state in November for engaging in and advertising child porn. Kabacy was also accused but never convicted of killing a patient.

  • Deborah Lyn Levich: Allowed her Alabama medical license to expire last January after being charged with letting non-physicians commit abortions, underestimating fetal gestational age, falsifying records, committing illegal abortions and failing to treat a patient in dire straits. Levich is still licensed to practice in Georgia.

  • Rapin Osathanondh: Surrendered his Massachusetts medical license voluntarily last month after allegedly killing 22-year-old Laura Smith in September with an anesthesia overdose.

  • James Pendergraft: Had his Florida license suspended one year in December and was fined $10,000 for committing an illegal late-term abortion that resulted in a brain-damaged baby. Previously imprisoned in 2001 for extortion. In 2005, one of his five clinics turned away paramedics responding to a call by a mother inside whose baby was aborted alive and allowed to die.

  • Laurence Reich: Charged in California last month for practicing medicine without a license after having it revoked in 2005 for molesting patients.

  • Hamid Hussain Sheikh: Indicted in November by Kentucky officials for defrauding Medicaid.

  • Sheldon Turkish: In a case making its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, Turkish has been charged for committing an abortion without informed consent, including lying that a patient was not carrying human life.

    Read Stanek's column to find her winner.  Stanek notes that none of the abortion websites are promoting the The National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers this year.  Little wonder why?

    Former abortion clinic operator Carol Everett once told me that in the days before Roe, abortionists did better work.  They didn't want to get caught.  But she felt that today there's no reason to worry.  Abortion is legal.  How many women are going to tell anyone they were harmed by an abortion.  There's a built in blackmail.  Everett said Roe freed the abortionist, not women. 

  • Monday, March 3, 2008

    Teacher Is Probably Toast After Showing Pro-life Movie

    Life reports that "A California science teacher has been placed on administrative leave after coming under fire following the showing of a pro-life film, The Silent Scream, that details an abortion procedure. First-year teacher Randy Yang showed the movie to five eighth-grade classes at Russell Middle School."

    I suspect Yang is going to get in trouble since he doesn't have tenure in the school.   The teacher's union is in bed with the abortion lobby.  So Yang won't get much help.  When you think of the stuff kids are exposed to in school, abortion's probably no big deal.  They'll teach our kids everything they don't need to know about sex, but they don't want anyone knowing the truth about abortion and how it kills a baby. 

    British Artist Commits Suicide After Aborting Twins

    British Artist Emma Beck committed suicide after aborting her two twins.  Beck did not want the abortion, but her boyfriend pushed her into it.  Not much media sympathy here.  That's because abortion is a Golden Calf and it's worshipers cannot speak anything evil of this idol. 

    I remember our second or third show on the old Voice for Life radio show with my co-host Toni Berry.  We had a post abortive woman on who had been suicidal and very depressed.  She told the psychiatrist that her problems were abortion related.  It didn't fit the psychiatrist's schema and she went unhelped.

    Abortion advocates will pretty much say if there's a problem like this after abortion, there was something wrong with the woman ahead of time.  Talk about blaming the victim. 

    Abortion kills a baby.  It also kills a part of the woman.  In one survey, 60 percent said "part of me died" after the abortion.