No On SB 247: Keep Abortion, Abortifacient Drugs, Planned Parenthood Out Of NV Schools
- Important Provisions Removed From School Based Health Clinics Bill.
- Removes provisions prohibiting abortion counseling, referrals, distribution of abortifacient drugs.
- Removes provisions requiring written parental consent to receive and services.
- Likely allows groups like Planned Parenthood to be sponsoring organization or facility.
Contact Don Nelson, Nevada LIFE, 775-530-0029
The following statement can be attributed to Nevada LIFE President Don Nelson:
Nevada LIFE opposes SB 247 which would establish “the Program for School-Based Health Centers” because important provisions have been removed that would forbid any school based clinic proposed by SB 247 to “Counsel or advocate abortion in any way or refer any pupil to a person who counsels or advocates abortion” and “Distribute at the school-based health center or a public school any contraceptive or abortifacient drug or device, or any similar product.” The provision requiring written parental consent to receive services has also been dropped. Any parental consent will subject to up to the discretion of the state health bureaucrat who is in charge of the program.
Removing these provisions is a shameful bait and switch. Abortion should not be promoted, counseled for or referred for in Nevada public schools. Without these provisions, SB247 would allow abortion counseling, abortion referrals, referrals to abortion advocates, and the distribution of contraceptives and abortifacient drugs through these school based health care clinics without parental consent. It is unconscionable that schools provide abortion referrals, counseling, and chemical birth control abortion causing drugs.
Nevada LIFE also opposes SB 247 because it opens the door to groups like Planned Parenthood who may qualify as sponsoring organizations or “sponsoring facilities.” The continuing scandals and recent allegations regarding abuses at several Planned Parenthood affiliates uncovered by independent journalists posing as sex traffickers for teen prostitution rings should prohibit Planned from having access to our schools. That would be like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank.
No group like Planned Parenthood should be allowed to participate because of their inherent conflict of interest. Planned Parenthood profits from selling some birth control bills, especially the abortifacient Plan B. No group profiting from the sales of any abortion or contraceptive products should be able to mine public schools for new customers.