Thursday, May 27, 2010

Unborn Baby Gives British Mom a Thumbs Up in Rare Ultrasound Picture

Here’s an awesome picture from a rare ultrasound showing an unborn child giving a “thumbs up.”  Here’s the story about the ultrasound from    


Unborn Baby Gives British Mom a Thumbs Up in Rare Ultrasound Picture

by Steven Ertelt Editor
May 24, 2010  


London, England ( -- Marie Boswell expected to get the latest information about the status of her unborn child from her physician. In a rare ultrasound picture showing her baby giving her a thumbs up, she got a progress report from the baby boy himself.

Bosworth was stunned by the ultrasound photo of her 20-week-old unborn baby giving her the popular sign when everything's all right.

"It was really funny," the 35-year-old mother said of the ultrasound picture she had at Wythenshawe Hospital, near her home in Manchester.

She told the London Daily Mail newspaper, "I went to the scan with my friend and my mum and we were all just laughing. He was giving us the thumbs up, it was just so clear."

"We couldn't believe it. I have big hands, but nothing on the scale of his," she told the newspaper. "We're thinking he might make a good goalkeeper. I've never seen a scan like this before - but we love it."

"I've been keeping it in a book because I want to show it to him when he is older," she added.

Boswell already has a 10-year-old daughter named Olivia and the doctors informed her that her baby, expected in September, is doing just fine.

Shari Richard, a pioneer of the use of ultrasound, believes it has the power to stop abortions.

More than a million American women will have an abortion in 2010 and 44 percent of American women will have an abortion at some point in their lifetime, Richard says.

With improvements in the imaging taking a two-dimensional picture and moving it into the world of 3D and 4D, Richard is not surprised that more Americans are becoming pro-life and more are opting against an abortion.

"Ultrasound technology is credited with an important role in changing attitudes. If women see images of their unborn children, and are educated about developing life in the womb, they are less likely to abort," she says.

Richard personally experienced the grief and pain of abortion but, in 1990, through Sound Wave Images, she produced the videos Ultrasound: a Window to the Womb and Eyewitness to the Earliest Days of Life.

These powerful videos, seen by millions, showed fetal development and facts related to the emotional and physical trauma of abortion.

As a voice for the unborn, Shari Richard knows a picture is "worth a thousand words."

Note: A law was recently passed in Oklahoma which requires abortion doctors or staff to perform an ultra sound and give the woman considering the abortion a chance to view it. 


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good News For MS Sufferers: “Adult Stem Cells, Not Embryonic, Helping Patients With Multiple Sclerosis”

Here's a good story from Life News.  Over the last few years we’ve forgotten about the exaggerated manipulative claims of embryonic stem cell research and cloning supporters and their pandering politicians like Harry Reid.  Not one single human benefit has been derived from embryonic stem cell research-which destroys tiny human beings- despite years and years and billions of dollars of research, though they keep promising it’s the best course if strategy and that we will have a trial next year-for the last several years of course.  If Mr. Reid is so confident, he can try some.  The truth is that they are too dangerous to try in humans.  They cause tumor formation and teratomas.  In fact one of the ways you know you have “pluripotent” cells like embryonic stem cells is that they create tumors.  But adult stem cells, taken from a human’s own body have been providing successes and progress for years.  Here’s an encouraging article by Dr. David Prentice, a fellow at the Family Research Council.  I interviewed Dr. Prentice several times when he taught at Indiana State University and at U Indiana Medical school before they harassed him into retiring for opposing embryonic stem cell research and cloning and promoting adult-non-embryonic stem cell research.

“Adult Stem Cells, Not Embryonic, Helping Patients With Multiple Sclerosis”

by Dr. David Prentice
May 11, 2010

From our friends at Life


A groundbreaking new study published in the last week provides more good news for treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) with adult stem cells. Researchers at the University of Bristol used patients’ own adult stem cells to treat their MS.

In a Phase I clinical trial, six patients with MS were treated with their own bone marrow adult stem cells and their progress followed for one year. The treatment appeared to stabilized the patients’ condition and showed some benefits. As one measure of the success of the procedure, damaged nerve pathways were able to carry electrical pulses more effectively after the treatment.

Multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease, with the patients own immune system attacking the central nervous system and eventually leaving many patients in a wheelchair.

One of the most encouraging aspects of this trial was the elegantly simple procedure. Patients reported to the hospital and had bone marrow adult stem cells removed, the cells were filtered, and then given back to the patients intravenously. The patients went home before the end of the day.

The research team is led by Professor Neil Scolding, at the University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS Trust. Professor Scolding said:

“We are encouraged by the results of this early study. The safety data are reassuring and the suggestion of benefit tantalising. Research into the underlying mechanisms is ongoing and vital, in order to build on these results. We believe that stem cells mobilised from the marrow to the blood are responsible, and that they help improve disease in several ways, including neuroprotection and immune modulation.”

The team is now planning a Phase II/III study. The report for this trial is published in the Nature journal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

Previous studies have also had good success at stopping MS progression, and in some cases putting patients into remission. Dr. Richard Burt at Northwestern University has published several studies showing good success using adult stem cells to “reboot” the immune system of MS patients. Scientists in Australia have also used the procedure with success, and recently Dr. Mark Freedman of Ottawa, Canada has produced “long-lasting remission” in MS patients.

In these cases, patients had their bone marrow adult stem cells collected, then received chemotherapy to knock the rogue immune cells that were attacking their nervous system. Then their adult stem cells were re-injected. While recent successful treatments have used milder chemotherapy, this is still not a gentle or risk-free procedure for the patient. The new approach by the Bristol team is all the more interesting in this respect, because there is no pre-conditioning with chemotherapy.

An international group of multiple sclerosis researchers have looked at these uses of adult stem cells for treatment of MS, and propose moving forward with additional clinical trials to help patients.

Friday, May 14, 2010

There Will Be A Pro-Life Nevada Candidate For Senate In November.

There's good news for pro-life Nevadans. It's almost certain that Harry Reid, who authored the most massive increase in abortion funding through his health care bill will have a rock solid pro-life opponent in November.

With one or two exceptions, the Nevada Republican candidates for the United States Senate are pro-life. The leading three candidates, Sue Lowden, Danny Tarkanian and former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle are solidly pro-life with endorsements from exceptional pro-life groups or individuals.

Senator Reid will pretend to be pro-life again, but his protestations are meaningless since he wrote and pushed through the abortion funding health care bill. Abortion is not health care and you can't write and vote for the most massive increase in abortion spending since Roe v. Wade and be pro-life. Reid alone wrote the abortion funding health care law and is solely responsible for its contents. He has carried water for Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-choice America, the ACLU and the abortion establishment. Reid is beyond being a hypocrite. He is a phony and an imposter.

Sue Lowden is a former state senator and past chairman of the Nevada Republican party. Although Mrs. Lowden has admitted to supporting abortion twenty years ago, Lowden has become pro-life. We celebrate those who have crossed over from the darkness of abortion to the pro-life cause. Those who have changed their mind and become pro-life have helped create our pro-life majority. Mrs. Lowden is a practicing Catholic and says her views are consistent with her church. Mrs. Lowden has the endorsement of the Susan B. Anthony List. Senator Maurice Washington says she was a strong proponent of a parental notification bill when they served together in 1995.

Former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle was one of our favorite guests on the Voice for Life radio show with Toni Berry and me. In the Nevada Assembly, Angle authored a bill that would have required the dangerous connection between abortion and breast cancer be disclosed as part of informed consent to an abortion in Nevada. Though the bill did not pass, Angle was years ahead on this important issue and her bill has been vindicated. Last year a leading pro-abortion critic of the abortion breast cancer connection admitted that abortion is a known risk factor to breast cancer. Mrs. Angle has always run for office as an outspoken pro- lifer. She's been an outspoken opponent of abortion as well as an encourager and supporter of all of us in the pro-life movement. Mrs. Angle has the endorsement of Nevada Concerned Citizens, Pro-life icon Phyllis Schlafly and others.

Danny Tarkanian is another solid pro-life candidate and is endorsed by Professor Francis J. Beckwith, one of the leading pro-life intellectuals. Long time Nevada pro-lifers remember how hard it was being pro-life in 1990, even in our churches. That year the notorious Question 7 initiative was passed. It prevents the Nevada legislature from changing the right to abortion. Because of Question 7, nothing will change in Nevada after Roe is overturned except by another costly initiative. While many Nevada clergy and others who knew better, and who could have made a difference, went into hiding, Mr. Tarkanian was running to the front lines and putting his reputation as a former UNLV basketball star and son of UNLV coaching icon Jerry Tarkanian on the line by cutting commercials against Question 7 and explaining his pro-life views and why Nevadans should oppose the initiative.

More could be said about each of these, but we are thrilled that there will be an authentic pro-life candidate for Senate in November. The best way to make a difference for the pro-life cause this year is to get out and help a pro-life candidate get elected.