Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Abortion Nearly Triples Breast Cancer Risk, New Study Finds

Steven Ertelt at Life News is reporting that a new study says that "Abortion Nearly Triples Breast Cancer Risk."  This is nothing new. Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer says, “Fifty-four of 67 epidemiological studies since 1957 report an abortion-breast cancer link."

Abortion advocates can find solace in statements from the National Cancer Institute and various cancer groups to say there is no link between abortion and breast cancer, that is, that there is no increased risk to a woman's lifetime risk of developing breast cancer if she's had an induced abortion.  
But as Malec notes, “National Cancer Institute (NCI) branch chief Dr. Louise Brinton and her colleagues admitted in a 2009 study led by Jessica Dolle that abortion raises risk."  The significance of this is that Brinton was one of the leaders of the effort at NCI to debunk the ABC link.  It's too bad when people at the NCI turn science into political science.
How many more studies have to keep pouring in before NCI and others recognize this harmful link between abortion and the increased risk of developing breast cancer?  How long will it be before these studies suggesting this link between an induced abortion and an elevated risk of abortion is required to be disclosed as part of proper and full consent to having an abortion?  

I'm not holding my breath to "authorities" recognizing the risk.  They have too much invested in it.  They've assured women for years that abortion is a fundamental good.  It would take a metanoia-something akin to a spiritual conversion for them to admit that what they have been advocating and advising for and to women for so many years as a fundamental good has led to so much harm.  But it's time that women be told of these studies which suggest a link as proper informed consent. 

Click here to read more.

Don Nelson
Nevada LIFE

Women Deserve to Know of Abortion-Premature Birth Link

Amy Sobie, writing over at Life News, says that November was "Prematurity Awareness Month."  One of the dirty little unknown secrets about abortion is that it not only increases the risk of physical, emotional and psychological risks to women who abort, it also impacts subsequent children.  One way it does this is that it increases the risk that subsequent children will be born prematurely.  Premature birth is associated with "epilepsy, autism, mental retardation and cerebral palsy."  I've been most aware of the danger of cerebral palsy.  My Nevada LIFE colleague Toni Berry and I spoke with past president of the American Association of Pro-life Ob/Gyns Dr. Byron Calhoun about this at length on our old radio show voice for life.  Click here to read a briefing on the link between premature births and prior abortions.  Click here to read about the abortion breast cancer link.

Sobie also notes that "In a paper published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2009, a Canadian research team examined data from 37 studies and found that having a prior abortion increased the risk of subsequent preterm birth by 36 percent, while having more than one prior abortion increased the risk by 93 percent. (Preterm birth is defined as a birth that takes place before 37 weeks gestation.)"

Sobie also notes that women who have pre-term births before 32 weeks double their life time risk of breast cancer.  Considering all this, Sobie says failure to disclose these risks is a "form of coercion."  " the evidence linking abortion and preterm birth continues to pile up, women and their loved ones are not being told of the risks. The result is that women and girls will end up undergoing abortions without having the information needed to make a decision — which is a form of coercion. And it puts the mothers, their unborn children and any future children they may have at risk."

Read more of the article at Life News.

Don Nelson
Nevada LIFE

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nevada LIFE Press Release: Keep Abortion, Abortifacient Drugs, Planned Parenthood Out Of NV Schools

Press Release

  No On SB 247: Keep Abortion, Abortifacient Drugs, Planned Parenthood Out Of NV Schools

  • Important Provisions Removed From School Based Health Clinics Bill.
  • Removes provisions prohibiting abortion counseling, referrals, distribution of abortifacient drugs.
  • Removes provisions requiring written parental consent to receive and services.
  • Likely allows groups like Planned Parenthood to be sponsoring organization or facility.


Contact Don Nelson, Nevada LIFE, 775-530-0029

The following statement can be attributed to Nevada LIFE President Don Nelson:

Nevada LIFE opposes SB 247 which would establish “the Program for School-Based Health Centers” because important provisions have been removed that would forbid any school based clinic proposed by SB 247 to “Counsel or advocate abortion in any way or refer any pupil to a person who counsels or advocates abortion” and “Distribute at the school-based health center or a public  school any contraceptive or abortifacient drug or device, or any similar product.”  The provision requiring written parental consent to receive services has also been dropped.  Any parental consent will subject to up to the discretion of the state health bureaucrat who is in charge of the program.

Removing these provisions is a shameful bait and switch.  Abortion should not be promoted, counseled for or referred for in Nevada public schools.  Without these provisions, SB247 would allow abortion counseling, abortion referrals, referrals to abortion advocates, and the distribution of contraceptives and abortifacient drugs through these school based health care clinics without parental consent.  It is unconscionable that schools provide abortion referrals, counseling, and chemical birth control abortion causing drugs.

Nevada LIFE also opposes SB 247 because it opens the door to groups like Planned Parenthood who may qualify as sponsoring organizations or “sponsoring facilities.”  The continuing scandals and recent allegations regarding abuses at several Planned Parenthood affiliates uncovered by independent journalists posing as sex traffickers for teen prostitution rings should prohibit Planned from having access to our schools.  That would be like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank.

No group like Planned Parenthood should be allowed to participate because of their inherent conflict of interest.  Planned Parenthood profits from selling some birth control bills, especially the abortifacient Plan B.  No group profiting from the sales of any abortion or contraceptive products should be able to mine public schools for new customers.
