Monday, June 19, 2006

Another State Bans Abortions. Abortion Advocates In Panic!

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco (D) signed a bill to ban almost all abortions except to save the mother's life.  The law would become effective upon the overturn of Roe.  Abortionists would be fined $10,00-100,000 and face 1-10 years in prison for doing an abortion.  Read more at 

This movement reflects a growing policy shift among pro-life supporters.  For years, mainstream pro-life leaders have advocated a policy of incrementalism.  That policy works to restrict abortion, create cognitive dissonance and secure justices who will overthrow Roe.  Along the way we have been tirelessly educating the public to create a culture of life that rejects abortion and welcomes every child in life and protects them in law. 

While that policy is still the dominant policy, others are not willing to wait any longer and accept the paternalism of the court.  They are pressing forward and telling the Court what they want and that they reject its unconstitutional anti-democratic rulings on abortion.  States are no longer waiting for the Court and are taking action to stop the killing of their unborn children.

Pro-lifers should consider this new shift carefully.  In seminary I repeated a professors concern that black South Africans should wait awhile until a more opportune time to press for full freedom-surely the apartheid regime would crush them and it would result in violence.  One of my Black African American classmates thundered back at me something to the effect that, "now is always the time for freedom."  Now is the time for the release of unborn children from the tyranny of abortion.  Not tomorrow.  Not the next justice.  Now is the time. 

So as we work to restrict access-and protect women in the process because the abortion industry is not willing to regulate itself, we demand the rights and security of the unborn now.

How is the other side taking this?  A recent NARAL alert warns that 20 percent of the states-like Ohio-have or are considering abortion bans like these.  It's leading NARAL, Planned Parenthood and others into a panic.  Expect more vitriol.  We are progressing.  Time, demographics and the young are on our side.

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