Sunday, August 27, 2006

Does The Morning After Pill Cause Abortions? Sometimes

Today's Reno Gazette Journal editorial is either uninformed or disingenuous.  The RGJ says "This contraception pill does not interrupt a pregnancy but prevents fertilization, if taken soon enough, within 72 hours. It does not cause abortion."

They need to tell that to the manufacturer.  They say that the Plan B/Emergency Contraception/Morning After Pill works to prevent contraception, and it works to kill the newly formed human being after conception has occurred and on the way to implantation in the womb.  It also works to make the womb inhospitable to the unborn.  So does this pill cause abortion?  Of course it does.  Not all the time, but sometimes it does. This is public information.  If the RGJ doesn't know this after having a former Planned Parenthood rep on their board, then they need to quit opining on it.

The RGJ also complains about the politicization of this pill.  If they don't know how the pill works or are unwilling to tell the public how it really works, then their complaints about politicizing this are hollow.

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