There's been big news over the weekend that there is now a male contraception pill. You can read about it in the UK Mail. Pro-lifers like myself really don't have a lot to say about contraception except to note that it does not make abortion go down. Most women are on it when they have an abortion and almost all of them know how to use it. So says Planned Parenthood's Alan Guttmacher Institute. No pill is going to stop STDs, and it's bad public policy to allow birth control dispensaries to pass out contraception to kids without parental notification. If you think many of these dispensaries are going to keep girls with sexual predators for boyfriends, don't count on it.
Well, back to the point. For years we've been told by the sexperts that the pill is safe and easy-no big deal. Well.... now that this new male contraception pill has arrived-or may arrive, there's talk about the risks to women. The UK Mail says, "The new contraceptive is likely to appeal to women who are uneasy about the female Pill's ability to raise the risk of strokes, heart attacks and potentially-fatal blood clots." In the years to come the public will also learn that it presents a higher risk to breast cancer, just like abortion does. Besides that, it makes women gain weight, become depressed/agitated and causes them to lose sex drive-sometimes with permanent loss. That's a winner. No wonder so many go off it within a year.
If the pill is no big deal, why would these things bother anyone? This should lead all of us to question anything abortion and sexual revolutionaries say to us. They swear up and down that there are no problems, then news like this comes out. Just like abortion.
Abortion is supposed to be safe and easy, routine and no big deal, now that it is legal. If that's true, why are abortion advocates arguing that partial birth abortion is necessary because it is safer than other late term abortion procedures, like the dilation and evacuation technique (D & E). The D & E tears the baby apart in the womb and then reassembles it on a table to make sure they got all the parts. Partial birth abortion advocates argue that there's a risk of leaving parts in the womb leading to infection and that there's the risk of damaging the uterus or cervix with repeated passes to get those parts out. Their own arguments for partial birth abortion undermine their mantra that abortion is safe.
You think you can trust these people? Think again.
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