Thursday, March 8, 2007

Woman Sues Planned Parenthood and Abortionist After Failed Abortion

A Boston woman is suing a Planned Parenthood abortionist and Planned Parenthood for failing to abort her child in 2004.  She is suing for wrongful birth and for the costs of child rearing. 

Let's see, she wanted to kill her child when the child was an unborn child, but now that she has delivered her child and is raising her.  The child is valuable enough to her that she wants or wanted to keep her, but she wants someone else to pay to raise her.  I'm guessing that she will not see the horror from the child's point of view when she grows up and learns her mom tried to kill her. 

It's not going to go well.  I've spoken to Gianna Jessen a couple times on our show and in person at events.  Gianna's mother tried to abort her at a Planned Parenthood in S. CA.  Gianna was about 7 months along.  They tried killing her by saline abortion.  After thrashing around in the womb, she was miraculously born and was adopted.  The miracle is that when she was born alive instead of dead the staff at Planned Parenthood didn't do her in.  Someone actually called the hospital.  Had the abortionist been there, he'd have finished her off.

Back to the story, Gianna is a wonderful lady and has a huge heart.  But even she doesn't want anything to do with her birth mom who tried to abort her.  I think this woman is going to rue the day she ever did this.  But it's the self centered, nihilistic spirit of our age and she's probably not going to think anything of it.  She'll probably think that she's gracious to have let the little one into the world and that the baby should be grateful.  Kids aren't toys, possessions or extensions of our selves. 

One of my friends says that it will be interesting to see the results of the suit.  "They will settle or end up having to defend life."

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