Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Reason Pro-lifers Should Be Careful About Recommending The Pill

Most pro-life groups stay away from the contraception issue.  Our interest begins at conception and continues until natural death.  Abortion advocates want to force us into contraceptive distribution and education.  Though many pro-lifers probably support contraception, most organizations have stayed out of it. 

There are other reasons to stay away too.  More and more research is showing bad effects on women from the pill.  Not only does it cause women to gain weight, become agitated/depressed and kill the sex drive, a new study suggests it can cause 20-30 percent more clogging of the arteries for every 10 years of use.  This came up in a USA Today Article "Study Links Birth Control Pill To Artery Causing Plague." 

Jim Sedlak at American Life League notes some other problems with the pill in his November 14, 2007 STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood) update. "It has already been proven that the birth control pill can cause health risks. The pill can cause weight gain, acne, breast and cervical cancer and infertility. It lowers immunity to STDs and can also kill the baby that is inside the mother. Not only can the birth control pill cause abortions and increase chances of breast and cervical cancer, but now it has been proven that the birth control pill can endanger a woman’s heart".

Jim also says, "of course you wouldn’t find any of these scientific facts in Planned Parenthood’s “medically accurate” sex education programs. Planned Parenthood received an estimated $180 million of its $345.1 million clinic income during the 2005-2006 fiscal year from the sales of birth control products, including the pill."

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