Saturday, April 19, 2008

Royal College of Psychiatrists Says Give Women Info On Abortion Related Mental Health Problems

The Royal College of Psychiatrists says that abortions should not be done unless women are counseled about the numerous mental health risks.  They said "Healthcare professionals who assess or refer women who are requesting an abortion should assess for mental disorder and for risk factors that may be associated with its subsequent development."  Updated brochures should be given to women considering an abortion to include the mental health problems so many women encounter.  “Consent cannot be informed without the provision of adequate and appropriate information regarding the possible risks.”

Well, it's obvious that abortion impacts women's mental health, that is to everyone except those int he aboriton industry and the American Psychological Association.  This kind of report could not happen in the United States because the APA is committed to abortion and cares more about political correctness and abortion militancy than the women and families who will suffer for abortion. 

They are no different than the cancer institutes who know about the connection between abortion and an increased risk of breast cancer.  How can so many studies show a connection between abortion and mental health problems and a breast cancer connection except that they are committed to the premise that abortion is a fundamental good and could not possibly do any harm to women? 

Studies from all over the world show that abortion is a mental health detriment.  Read more about it at

Here’s more on this story out of Britain and recent information on abortion related mental health problems at Life

“As recently as December, a new Australian study showed women who have abortions are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol compared with those who carry a pregnancy to term.

“Kaeleen Dingle, of the University of Queensland, found that women who have abortions were three times more likely to abuse hard drugs like heroin or meth than women who were never pregnant or kept their baby.

“The women who had abortions were also twice as likely to be an alcoholic or engage in binge drinking and 1.5 times more likely to suffer from depression.

“‘So these women, from my findings, seem to be definitely more affected in some ways,’" Dingle concluded. “Her study follows on a January 2006 one from a New Zealand professor who found women who have abortions are more likely to become severely depressed.

“Some 42 percent of the women who had abortions had experienced major depression within the last four years. That's almost double the rate of women who never became pregnant. The risk of anxiety disorders also doubled.

“The group's comment comes after one woman said she regretted her abortion 40 years later and another who committed suicide after having an abortion of her twin babies.”

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