A new non invasive test has been developed in Britain to test for Down Syndrome in unborn children that is easier than the invasive amnio centisis testing. The test is reported to have 90 percent accuracy. The test is meant to ID Down Syndrome children and target them for destruction. It's suggested that 80 percent of Down Syndrome Children are destroyed by abortion already. We are wiping out Down Syndrome by wiping out people with Down Syndrome.
This will only add to the targeting of down syndrome children for destruction and add to the mentality that we deserve certain kind of children and only a certain kind of child will do. It also fuels the mindset that certain humans have life not worthy of life and that it would be better to do them and society a favor by killing them ahead of time. The companion thought/justification is that the lives of the handicapped or in this instance, the person with Down Syndrome is that life is a burden to themselves. That is, their existence is so pathetic that their existence is harmful to the person with Down Syndrome and other disabilities.
With that mindset deeply ingrained in our culture, we should not be surprised when people evaluate us by our characteristics either. If we can demean and target the Down Syndrome child for death because he or she does not meet our expectations, others can do the same to us. Once anyone becomes expendable, we all become negotiable. We can't target others without becoming targets ourselves.
Here's the story from today's briefing from Life News.
New Prenatal Test for Down’s Syndrome Concerns Pro-Life Advocates
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new, non-invasive prenatal test for Down's syndrome is reportedly being developed in England and Hong Kong on a blood-test that claims 90 percent accuracy. The media is praising the new procedure as risk free and saying it will detect in the mother’s bloodstream a Down syndrome pregnancy. This simple blood test would replace the current “risky” method of inserting a needle into the mother’s womb to extract amniotic fluid near the fetus, a procedure that takes place sometime after the 14th week of pregnancy and sometimes results in miscarriage. But Alison Davis of the No Less Human group that is a part of the British Society for the Protection of Unborn Children responded to the news. “"The new non-invasive test for Down's syndrome will inevitably mean more pre-natal testing, leading to more abortions of babies with the condition. Describing this as a 'breakthrough' is offensive to people who live with Down's syndrome, and to all who recognize the equal right to life of disabled people,” she said. Of the new tests, Davis said “no comment is made on the equal tragedy of the deliberate seeking out and destruction of babies with the syndrome, because this is the whole aim of pre-natal testing. It is certainly no 'breakthrough' for people living with disabilities."
Don, as the current saying is these days, you are spot on. This is being kept pretty quiet - haven't seen anything in any papers in any cities recently or magazines either. They want to have disadvantaged pre-born people - especially down syndrome kids - go quietly into the night and not disturb anybody. This definitely needs opposition both in letters, calls et al to legislators as well as media. To allow this current method of discerning who will live and who will die (mostly on the QT too) is scary.
ReplyDeleteAs you mentioned 'who next' will be targeted for the 'compassionate kill.'
Reta, this definitely needs exposure. We can't target others without targeting ourselves.