I think I'm going to start blogging again. There's too much to comment on right now to leave to updates for the Nevada LIFE email newsletter.
Here are comments from a press release I wrote for Nevada LIFE on the 37th anniversary of the notorious Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions which struck down abortion laws in all 50 states, made abortion legal throughout pregnancy for almost any reason and have led to 52 million abortions. Don't let anyone (pro-abortion, pro-life or pro-choice) discourage you. We've made tremendous progress that other special interest groups can dream about. We document below. This is the nuts a bolts of the short talk I gave at the Second Annual Carson Douglas Pro-Life Rally.
America Is Pro-Life On 37th Anniversary of Roe. Abortion Advocates Have Reason To Be Alarmed.
The following statement can be attributed to Nevada LIFE President Don Nelson:
Today marks the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions which struck down abortion laws in all 50 states, made abortion legal throughout pregnancy for almost any reason and have led to 52 million abortions. But despite thirty-seven years of abortion on demand, abortion advocates have reason to be alarmed at the pro-life movement's progress. Thirty-seven years after Roe, America has become a pro-life nation, the young are profoundly pro-life, political efforts are failing despite control of all three branches of government, and more and more abortion limitations supported by wide majorities of Americans are being passed in state legislatures.
1. America is a pro-life nation. A series of polls over the last 10 years, including the 2009 Gallup poll, show that a majority take a pro- life position on abortion. 51 percent in Gallup described themselves as pro-life. 42 percent said they were pro-choice. More are pro-life than realize. 60 percent told Gallup that abortion should either be illegal in all circumstances (23 percent) or legal in only a few circumstances (37 percent). 37 percent said abortion should either be legal under any circumstances (22 percent) or under most circumstances (15 percent). 56 percent said abortion was "morally wrong." Only 36 percent said abortion was "morally acceptable".
2. Young people are pro-life. Nearly 70 percent of high school seniors believe abortion is always or usually "morally wrong." 80 percent say that pregnant seniors should either keep her baby (26 percent) or place the child up for adoption (54 percent). Only 13 percent proposed abortion.
3. Abortion advocates are hemorrhaging politically. State legislatures have passed hundreds and hundreds of "anti-choice" laws and regulations. These include abortion limiting laws and funding prohibitions like the Hyde Amendment, informed consent, parental involvement, clinic regulations, waiting periods, conscience protections, the born alive infants protection act, the partial birth abortion ban, unborn victims of violence act and more. These laws and regulations are largely responsible for the large decrease in abortions in the United States. Abortion advocates oppose all of these widely supported laws and regulations. And despite abortion advocates control of all three branches of government, pro-life political efforts have stopped the Freedom of Choice Act and the health care bill appears to be dead, in large part due to abortion funding provisions of the Senate bill.
4. Science and technology undermine abortion propaganda about the unborn. Ultrasound and other technologies expose abortion's lie that the unborn is a blob of tissue, a clump of cells, mere contents of the uterus, products of conception, a pregnancy mass etc. These technologies show that the unborn is a someone, not something; a person with great potential, not a potential person, unique human being not part of his mother's body. It's no wonder that abortion advocates oppose laws requiring ultra sound and materials describing the unborn to be seen and explained to women considering abortion. Some have even called ultra sound a pro-life weapon.
5. Abortion advocates are also losing their argument that abortion is good for women. 60 percent of aborting women say "part of me died." As many as 65% report symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. 53 percent say abortion is almost always a bad thing and a tiny 13 percent said abortion is almost always a good thing for women. Tomorrow, 30,000 people will be marching in San Francisco behind the banner "abortion hurts women." (note: read more about the impact of abortion at www.unfairchoice.info.)
6. Americans are finding common ground on abortion but abortion advocates aren't part of it.Wide majorities of Americans, including many who are pro-choice on abortion, support government funding bans, bans on brutal partial birth abortion and parental notification. They also support proper informed consent, waiting periods to think it over, anti- coercion requirements, conscience rights, laws that treat the unborn as a victim when assaulted by murderers like Scott Peterson and they oppose abortion alternatives provided by Crisis Pregnancy Centers and more. Millions and millions of Americans are alive today because of these limitations supported by wide majorities of Americans. Abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the ACLU, NOW and others oppose them all.
Abortion advocates have reason to be alarmed. 37 years after Roe, America is pro-life and abortion advocates are getting farther and farther in the rear view mirror of growing majorities of Americans. 30-
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