Saturday, March 20, 2010

Vote To Fund Abortion & Ration Health Care Imminent.

Time is short. The United States government is on the verge of paying for and subsidizing abortion, and rationing health care. The health care bill poses another Roe v. Wade on America and will prove to be as difficult to remove as Roe.

·  Vote To Fund Abortion & Ration Health Care Imminent. How You Can Help

The flurry of emails from abortion leaders today tells us that the health care bill funds and covers abortion.

Nancy Northrup of The Center for Reproductive Rights, "Last night we learned that Rep. Bart Stupak filed a new resolution in his effort to ban abortion coverage."

Nancy Keenan from NARAL Pro-Choice America says "late last night we learned that Rep. Bart Stupak has reached new lows in trying to force his abortion- coverage ban into the health-care bill."

Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood "Right now, congressional negotiations over the final details of the health care reform bill are going on behind closed doors - and Congressman Bart Stupak is still insisting that the final bill include his total ban on private health insurance coverage for abortion."

In addition to funding abortion, the bill will also ration health care for seniors and would allow the secretary of health and human services to prevent them from escaping rationing with their own funds or supplemental insurance.

There are some things we can do at the last minute.

1. We need to pray. These kinds of evils require prayer.

2. The Susan B. Anthony list says these congressmen are still undecided. Kathy Dahlkemper, Marcy Kaptur, Paul Kanjorski, Baron Hill, Solomon Ortiz, Earl Pomeroy, Chris Carney, Lincoln Davis, Alan Mollohan. Call them at the capitol switch board at 877-762- 8762 or 202-225-3121. If it's busy, keep dialing several times today and tomorrow and jam the switchboard.

3. Pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak (202 225-4735) needs and deserves our support and praise. Congressman Stupak is standing against his party, his president, the media, and we suspect, many pro- life democrats.

4. Call and email Nevada Congresswomen Shelly Berkley and Dina Titus and tell them that you oppose any health care bill that funds abortion and that you support the right of people to supplement Medicare with additional insurance or their own personal assets. Contact info is in the side bar.

The health care bill is another Roe v. Wade. The president is showing that he is an abortion radical. He is willing to risk health care for abortion. Time is short. Please make your voice heard and spread the word.


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