Here's a good story from Life News. Over the last few years we’ve forgotten about the exaggerated manipulative claims of embryonic stem cell research and cloning supporters and their pandering politicians like Harry Reid. Not one single human benefit has been derived from embryonic stem cell research-which destroys tiny human beings- despite years and years and billions of dollars of research, though they keep promising it’s the best course if strategy and that we will have a trial next year-for the last several years of course. If Mr. Reid is so confident, he can try some. The truth is that they are too dangerous to try in humans. They cause tumor formation and teratomas. In fact one of the ways you know you have “pluripotent” cells like embryonic stem cells is that they create tumors. But adult stem cells, taken from a human’s own body have been providing successes and progress for years. Here’s an encouraging article by Dr. David Prentice, a fellow at the Family Research Council. I interviewed Dr. Prentice several times when he taught at Indiana State University and at U Indiana Medical school before they harassed him into retiring for opposing embryonic stem cell research and cloning and promoting adult-non-embryonic stem cell research.
“Adult Stem Cells, Not Embryonic, Helping Patients With Multiple Sclerosis”
by Dr. David Prentice
May 11, 2010
From our friends at Life
A groundbreaking new study published in the last week provides more good news for treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) with adult stem cells. Researchers at the University of Bristol used patients’ own adult stem cells to treat their MS.
In a Phase I clinical trial, six patients with MS were treated with their own bone marrow adult stem cells and their progress followed for one year. The treatment appeared to stabilized the patients’ condition and showed some benefits. As one measure of the success of the procedure, damaged nerve pathways were able to carry electrical pulses more effectively after the treatment.
Multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease, with the patients own immune system attacking the central nervous system and eventually leaving many patients in a wheelchair.
One of the most encouraging aspects of this trial was the elegantly simple procedure. Patients reported to the hospital and had bone marrow adult stem cells removed, the cells were filtered, and then given back to the patients intravenously. The patients went home before the end of the day.
The research team is led by Professor Neil Scolding, at the University of Bristol and North Bristol NHS Trust. Professor Scolding said:
“We are encouraged by the results of this early study. The safety data are reassuring and the suggestion of benefit tantalising. Research into the underlying mechanisms is ongoing and vital, in order to build on these results. We believe that stem cells mobilised from the marrow to the blood are responsible, and that they help improve disease in several ways, including neuroprotection and immune modulation.”
The team is now planning a Phase II/III study. The report for this trial is published in the Nature journal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
Previous studies have also had good success at stopping MS progression, and in some cases putting patients into remission. Dr. Richard Burt at Northwestern University has published several studies showing good success using adult stem cells to “reboot” the immune system of MS patients. Scientists in Australia have also used the procedure with success, and recently Dr. Mark Freedman of Ottawa, Canada has produced “long-lasting remission” in MS patients.
In these cases, patients had their bone marrow adult stem cells collected, then received chemotherapy to knock the rogue immune cells that were attacking their nervous system. Then their adult stem cells were re-injected. While recent successful treatments have used milder chemotherapy, this is still not a gentle or risk-free procedure for the patient. The new approach by the Bristol team is all the more interesting in this respect, because there is no pre-conditioning with chemotherapy.
An international group of multiple sclerosis researchers have looked at these uses of adult stem cells for treatment of MS, and propose moving forward with additional clinical trials to help patients.
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