The "Pledge to America," the House Republicans' proposed new governing agenda, includes vital promises to pro-life Americans, including repeal of Harry Reid's career defining massive abortion funding health care bill.
· Republicans Promise To Repeal Reid's Abortion Funding, Health Care Rationing Health Care Law. | |
In their "Pledge to America," the House Republicans have promised to roll back Senator Harry Reid's career defining health care reform bill, which will bring health care rationing death panels and lead to the largest increase in abortion and abortion funding since Roe v. Wade. Reid was solely responsible for the contents of the bill and excluded language like the House's Stupak amendment that would have kept abortion out of health care. And just when it looked like the Senate version of the Stupak amendment might be added to the health care bill, Reid dutifully went to the Senate floor to keep it out. Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards explained later, "At a crucial moment, Majority Leader Reid went to the floor of the U.S. Senate to deliver his speech against the Senate version of the Stupak amendment." The House Republicans have promised to roll back the Reid health care law with its abortion funding and health care rationing provisions. There's no doubt that Reid's Republican opponent Sharron Angle will lead the charge to overturn those provisions in the Senate. The House Republicans' Pledge Regarding Abortion: "We will establish a government-wide prohibition on taxpayer funding of abortion and subsidies for insurance coverage that includes abortion. This prohibition would go further and enact into law what is known as the Hyde Amendment as well as ban other instances of federal subsidies for abortion services. We will also enact into law conscience protections for health care providers, including doctors, nurses, and hospitals." p. 28 Along with National Right to Life's Douglas Johnson: "We welcome the Republican leadership's commitment to repeal and replace the Obama health care law, which is a top priority for the pro-life movement because that law, when fully implemented, would result in the rationing of lifesaving medical treatments, and an array of federal subsidies for abortion as well." "In addition, a permanent government-wide prohibition on federal funding of abortion is long overdue, and we applaud the inclusion of that legislation in this action plan." Pro-life Nevadans face another consequential election. Harry Reid is up for re-election and is pretending-again-to be pro-life. That's a difficult act when you are the author of the massive abortion funding health care bill and when Nevada Advocates for Planned Parenthood Affiliates' 2010 "Voter Guide" rates Reid as "Leans Pro-Choice," defined as "70-99% . . . Pro-Choice on many but not all, issues." This guide also notes that Reid "carried policy for Planned Parenthood." Planned Parenthood also awarded him their "2008 Voice for Sound Policy" award. Reid deserves Planned Parenthood's award. Just after casting his vote against the Senate amendment to keep abortion out of health care, ABC News reported that while Reid may oppose abortion rights, Reid said it "doesn't mean I'm opposed to finding common ground for the greater good." Reid was willing to sell out unborn children for his political fortunes. Pro-life Nevadans have a choice between Harry Reid, who wrote the health care law with its abortion funding provisions that will lead to the most massive increase in abortion since Roe, and Assemblywoman Sharron Angle. Angle is a true pro-lifer who has never made a deal at the expense of unborn children or sacrificed them for some "greater good." If the House Republicans and Senators like Angle get their chance, they promise to roll back the Reid-Obama-Pelosi abortion funding and health care rationing law and write the Hyde Amendment's prohibitions against abortion funding into law. |
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