Saturday, August 26, 2006

FDA Succumbs To Political Pressure Again.

Just before the 2000 elections, President Clinton got the FDA to approve RU-486 before necessary trials were finished.  Even the notorious Reno abortionist Damon Stutes says that he won’t give out RU-486 because of health concerns.

This week history repeated itself.  In the face of intense political pressure from Hillary Clinton, the FDA has approved over the counter (OTC) use of the Plan B/Morning After/Emergency Contraception pill for women 18 and over.  Barr Pharmaceuticals and Planned Parenthood still want it to be available to all women, even young teens.

Plan B is a glorified oral contraceptive about 15 times the dosage of oral contraceptives.  Senator Tom Coburn, MD (R-OK) notes how bizarre this is.  Oral contraceptives require a prescription.  The FDA has never approved a drug for OTC use when a prescription was required for a lower dose.

Well, why would pro-lifers oppose OTC use of Plan B?  Sometimes it functions as an abortifacient.  In addition to preventing conception, it also works by killing newly conceived human beings on the way to being implanted in the womb and by making the womb inhospitable. Both cause abortions.

Abortion advocates argue that if pro-lifers were really interested in stopping abortion, they’d support Plan B.  They are also pushing Plan B to keep people from talking about abortion… Well, well, well…. Their own study out of UCSF shows that availability of Plan B did not reduce abortion or “unintended pregnancy.” Concerned Women of America’s Wendy Wright notes that Scotland, which made the morning-after pill nonprescription in 1999, reported its highest number of abortions since abortion was legalized in 1967, in 2005.

Wright also says that in England, abortions increased from 176,000 in 2002 to 185,400 in 2004. In four years, chlamydia went up 76 percent. Gonorrhea went up 55 percent. Syphilis went up 54 percent. Genital warts went up 20 percent.  Human Life of Washington reports that · “The British Government issued a warning to doctors to be especially aware of a potential complication of ectopic pregnancies following emergency contraception use. The post marketing surveillance experience in the United Kingdom, with specific reference to 201 emergency contraception failures, found 12 ectopic pregnancies, or a 6% rate‹triple the expected rate for both the UK and the US. (See: CMO update #35, dated 4-2-03, content # 20 at HERE)

So much for that argument.  But then again, if you are an abortion zealot, who cares?  As long as you keep as many of those little unwanted babies from off the street and mucking up society and going on welfare, an uptick in STDs is an acceptable cost to them.

You don’t have to be a pro-lifer to know that it’s not going to be hard to get this into the hands of young women.

When I think about abortion advocates opposition to parental notification laws in the face of our statutory rape epidemic, their unwillingness to root out third rate and sometimes sexual harassing doctors from the industry, their opposition to women’s right to know laws, their unwillingness to acknowledge (and warn) that many, many women suffer physical, spiritual and emotional by abortion, their covering up of abortion deaths and their willingness to expose girls to Plan B and etc, I think that they believe that a certain women, or a certain amount of women are expendable for their ends and goals.  At the end of the day, it is the pro-life advocate who is looking out for women, not the self anointed abortion feminist woman’s advocate.  We'll take the fight with abortion advocates over who is most pro-woman any day.

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