Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Study: Women Having Abortions More Likely to Engage in Child Abuse

One of the promises used to sell abortion was that it would cut down on child abuse because there would be fewer unwanted children.  That's another abortion promise that has failed.  Child abuse has exploded-probably 600-700 percent higher than before Roe-since abortion on demand became legal in America.

Well a study on this has just come out.  LifeNews.Com is reporting "that women who have a history of abortion are more likely to abuse children born from subsequent pregnancies. The study, published in the Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology, confirms previous research which suggests that there is a link between abortion and child abuse."

The Elliot Institute reports (email press release-can't find it at their site) that lead author "Priscilla Coleman, a professor of human development and family studies at Bowling Green State University and lead author of the study, suggested that the link between abortion and child abuse may be influenced by a number of key factors, including unresolved grief, having felt pressured into an unwanted abortion, and disruption in maternal bonding with subsequently born children."

"Unresolved grief issues, Coleman noted, 'may negatively impact parental responsiveness to child needs, trigger anger, which is a common component of grief, and/or increase parental anxiety regarding child well-being.' Some research indicates that grief may be more difficult to resolve if women undergo an unwanted abortion due to pressure from others. In one study, cited by Coleman, 64 percent of American women with a history of abortion reported feeling pressured to abort by others."

Pro-lifers should remember that all the bad things that abortion brings to women, families, children and men, that even if we could fix these things and make abortion an pleasant experience abortion would still be wrong because it kills and innocent human being.

For some quick facts about abortion problems, check out Abortion is... the Unchoice.  Or look deeper at the Elliot Insitute's After Abortion.

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