Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Teri Schindler (Schiavo) We Haven't Forgotten You

It's been 2.5 years since Teri Schiavo was killed or as my colleague Fr. Frank Pavone says, murdered, by the longest state sanctioned execution in our nation's history.  In remembrance of Teri and the importance of her case to our nation, I'm posting a Nevada LIFE Press Release from March 1, 2005 which pretty well states the facts of the case.

Press Release Terri Schiavo Is Not A Right To Die Case.


The Following Statement Can Be Attributed To Nevada LIFE President Don Nelson

"The Terri Schiavo case has been described in many media articles as being “a right to die case.”  It is not.  These descriptions leave readers, viewers and listeners with the false impression that Terri wants to die and is being kept alive by her parents and right to life advocates who are denying her wishes to die and are causing her pain, suffering and forcing her to live a meaningless existence.

"Terri Schiavo is NOT dying.  She is not sick.  She has no terminal illness.  She is not in a coma.  She is not on life support.  Terri is not alone and she has not requested death.  Fourteen doctors, six of whom are neurologists, flatly contradict the court’s findings that she is in a persistent vegetative state.  If Florida Judge George Greer allows Terri’s feeding tube to be removed, this will not merely allow Terri to die.  It will kill Terri.

"This case is about who gets to choose for Terri Schiavo, what kind of care handicapped people deserve and what we think of them.  Should Terri’s still legal husband Michael Schiavo, who has been living with another woman for ten years and with whom he has two children be able to end his helpless wife’s life?  Should this man who has refused Terri any rehabilitative treatment, severely limited access to her family, friends, spiritual caregivers, kept her in a dim little room and hidden her from the media be allowed to begin the painful process of euthanasia to end his wife’s life by starvation?

"Sworn testimony from health care professionals caring for Terri swears that Terri communicates with staff and family and that Michael Schiavo has forcefully deprived her of any therapy.  He has even refused to allow her to receive anti-biotics.  If true, these actions are abuse and neglect.  Terri’s family is willing to care for her for the rest of her life.  There is no reason to call this is a right to die case.  There is no reason that Terri Schiavo should be killed.  Michael Schiavo has no moral authority to do so.  The court and Judge Greer should know better."

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