Saturday, November 17, 2007

How Can They Do That? Why Pro-Lifers Keep At It.

I look at pictures of aborted babies and I watch steaming video.  I do it to remind me what abortion is all about.  I watched them again today at Priests For Life's site. 

I've been in pro-life, anti-abortion work for a long time.  The rejection, your disbelief that others don't want to join you... all of that hardens you.  But no matter how long a pro-life worker has been working, or how many times he or she has seen pictures and video of the unborn child, seeing these images still breaks us up.  When we think we can't go on any longer, these pictures call us forward. 

And their broken bodies should.  What kind of humanity does a person have if he or she is not moved by inhumanity to other humans?  Their helplessness, weakness and dependency don't make them disposable.  They demand that we give them more protection and care!

Yesterday I was speaking at a local Christian school.  In the section where I was showing partial birth abortion diagrams.  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a teen age girl wiping away a tear.  I showed other pictures found at the links below and two young ladies asked me afterwards, "how can they do that?"  How can they do that?

Images at Priests for Life.

Here are some links to streaming video I watched today at Priests For Life's Website. 

The abortion procedure is described here, with former abortionist Dr. Tony Levatino (22:00)

Body parts of aborted babies (5:00)

Dr. Byron Calhoun examines aborted babies and describes their cause of death (14:00) 

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