Saturday, August 15, 2009

Planned Parenthood Accuses But Ducks Debate. Nothing New.

The local and national Planned Parenthood offices have accused opponents of taxpayer funding of abortion  reform of lying, spreading misinformation, scaring and attacking women and more, locally and nationally.  They’ve say this in regards to our claims that current health care proposals will fund abortion.  The Family Research Council has challenged them to a debate.  They won’t anymore than Harry Reid will stand in front of his constituents at a town hall meeting. 


From FRC. 


“Nearly two weeks ago FRC couriered a letter to the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, inviting her to debate the question of taxpayer-funded abortion and whether or not citizens would be forced to fund abortion under the current health care reform bills.


“We have been met with silence.


“Please help us by contacting Ms. Richards and asking her to accept the debate.  Planned Parenthood and their allies continue to mislead the American public about taxpayer funding of abortion in the current health care bills.


“We keep insisting that if there isn't a prohibition of federal funding of abortion-like the Hyde Amendment-then federal money will flow into the abortion industry.  This is exactly what Planned Parenthood wants.  They currently receive almost one-third of their clinic income from abortion.


“Just think what they would do if even more federal dollars were funneled to them!  Email Ms. Richards today.  Tell her its time she showed up to the debate instead of issuing proclamations through the media.”


If you are going to call people liars, accuse them of spreading misinformation, say they are reprehensible, accuse them of using red herrings and call them “evil mongers,” you ought to have the guts to debate. 

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