Monday, August 17, 2009

Terms "Medically Necessary” Or Medically Appropriate Abortions Means Any Abortion.

Abortion advocates and supporters like Senator Barbara Mikulski use phrases like “medically necessary” or “medically appropriate” abortions or services to hide what they really mean when talking about abortion.  What they really mean is abortion on demand-abortion for any reason that a woman may give for an abortion-not abortion because the unborn presents a threat to the mother’s life or even her physical health.  National Right to Life notes that “with respect to abortion, the term ‘medically necessary’ merely meant that the woman was pregnant and desired an abortion, not that some health-related criteria were involved. (See p. 3)  National Right to Life quotes a former Planned Parenthood VP to substantiate this


“In 1993, William Hamilton, vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told Knight-Ridder Newspapers that “medically necessary” abortions include “anything a doctor and a woman construe to be in her best interest, whether prenatal care or abortion” (Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 8, 1993). The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) defined “medically necessary” as “a term which generally includes the broadest range of situations for which a state will fund abortion” (Who Decides? A Reproductive Rights Issues Manual, 1990). A senior Clinton Administration health official told Congress, “When we're talking about medically necessary or appropriate [abortion] services we are also talking about all legal services” (Judith Feder, principal deputy assistant secretary for planning and evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services, Jan. 26, 1994). (See footnote 5)


When you hear people like Mikulski talk about "medically necessary" or "medically appropriate" abortions or procedures, it’s code language for abortion on demand-throughout pregnancy for any reason.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Planned Parenthood Accuses But Ducks Debate. Nothing New.

The local and national Planned Parenthood offices have accused opponents of taxpayer funding of abortion  reform of lying, spreading misinformation, scaring and attacking women and more, locally and nationally.  They’ve say this in regards to our claims that current health care proposals will fund abortion.  The Family Research Council has challenged them to a debate.  They won’t anymore than Harry Reid will stand in front of his constituents at a town hall meeting. 


From FRC. 


“Nearly two weeks ago FRC couriered a letter to the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, inviting her to debate the question of taxpayer-funded abortion and whether or not citizens would be forced to fund abortion under the current health care reform bills.


“We have been met with silence.


“Please help us by contacting Ms. Richards and asking her to accept the debate.  Planned Parenthood and their allies continue to mislead the American public about taxpayer funding of abortion in the current health care bills.


“We keep insisting that if there isn't a prohibition of federal funding of abortion-like the Hyde Amendment-then federal money will flow into the abortion industry.  This is exactly what Planned Parenthood wants.  They currently receive almost one-third of their clinic income from abortion.


“Just think what they would do if even more federal dollars were funneled to them!  Email Ms. Richards today.  Tell her its time she showed up to the debate instead of issuing proclamations through the media.”


If you are going to call people liars, accuse them of spreading misinformation, say they are reprehensible, accuse them of using red herrings and call them “evil mongers,” you ought to have the guts to debate. 

What's In Health Care Reform For Planned Parenthood? Money.

Planned Parenthood has been accusing opponents of taxpayer funding abortion through health care reform of lying, spreading misinformation, scaring and attacking women and more, locally and nationally, to keep the truth from coming out that the health care reform plans as written will fund abortion through the taxpayer and our taxes will flow to Planned Parenthood.  Senator Barbara Mikulski has already said that money will go to groups like Planned Parenthood.  What’s in it for Planned Parenthood?  As usual, a boat load of money.  They already received $300 million in taxpayer funding for US operations alone.  Unless abortion is explicitly excluded, it will include abortion too.

Check out this video of Senator Mikulski and Senator Hatch.  Note, when Mikulski says anything deemed medically necessary or appropriate, she means any abortion.  Why can’t they just say abortion and abortion on demand, anytime a woman wants one? 


Friday, August 14, 2009

Planned Parenthood in Spokane Fined 700K for Medicaid Overbilling on Abortion

Another Planned Parenthood was charged and this one fined for overbilling Medicaid on abortion.  What else is new?  From the story at

Planned Parenthood tries to project a professional, ethical image, but they can't stop things like this from popping up and it seems that every month another video surfaces with a Planned Parenthood employee telling a young woman in stings who is pretending to be a teen pregnant by an older man, how to help her sexual predator boyfriend keep from getting caught by the law.  Here's the story on overbilling from

Spokane, WA ( -- The Planned Parenthood abortion business in
Spokane, Washington has been hit with a $700,000 fine from the state health
department. The result of an audit by state officials shows it was routinely
overbilling Medicaid for abortions as well as contraception and family planning

According to
the audit, state health officials found Planned Parenthood of Spokane was
"unbundling" abortion claims and falsely billing for doctor visits when
customers were picking up prescriptions.

Mary Emanuel
and Jonathan B, who run the web site Abortion in Washington (AIW), obtained
copies of the audit documents from the Department of Social and Health

They say they
show Planned Parenthood has been ordered to reimburse the state $630,000 plus
interest for the overpayments.

"The audit did
not get into the question of whether the overbilling was part of a systematic
fraud scheme, but it also was clear that if this practice continued PPS would
lose its Medicaid billing privileges," they write.

AIW says the
audit found five categories of overbilling.

One involved
"unbundling" post-abortion drugs and billing them to Medicaid as family
planning, which is prohibited. The practice appears at odds with longstanding
Planned Parenthood claims that family planning money doesn't pay for abortions
or abortion-related services.

Other cases
included billings for pregnancy tests done on women who never said they thought
they were pregnant and without any indication the tests were medically