Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Billboards Proclaim, "Black Children are an Endangered Species"

"Frankly I had thought that at that time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."  

7/2/09 Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

There are bill boards popping up around the country saying that“Black Children are an Endangered Species.”  You have to wonder.  Abortion is genocide for a couple reasons.  That of course doesn’t mean that particular people who abort are committing genocide.  Abortion is genocide because it targets a certain class of people for death.  With abortion, it’s unborn children.  They are targeted as a class for death.  They are in the way and can’t defend themselves.


Black Children Are An Endangered Species

There’s another way to say abortion is genocide.  One of my former radio guests Rev. Clenard Childress calls abortion black genocide.  The number, rate, percentage, ratio of abortion among black women is staggering.  Dave Andrusko has an article at National Right to Life about a series of billboards that say "Black Children are an Endangered Species"  Andrusko notes studies that show that black women are aborting at 5 times the rate as white women.  Black women account for about 12 percent of all women, but about 35 percent of all abortions.  Hispanic women abort at about half the rate as black women and 2.8 times the rate as white women.  I think that in some big cities like Washington DC, more black unborn children are aborted than born.

All of this has led to concern by some pro-life black Americans to post these bill boards saying that Black Children are an Endangered Species, and to others like Childress calling abortion Black Genocide.  It’s not hard to figure out why.  Is it intentional?  Childress and others think so and Justice Ginsburg’s quote doesn’t do anything to discount that belief.

Click here to read Andrusko’s short story on these bill boards popping up.  Go also to Too Many Aborted.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks annonymous. I saw the link to the trailer. I'll check it out.
