Monday, October 18, 2010

Pro-Life Voting and Where to Vote Early in Nevada

Early Voting has begun in Nevada and for informational purposes, we suggest readers of Nevada LIFE News check out our good friends and colleagues at Nevada Right to Life and Nevada Concerned Citizens who have posted their recommendations to help pro-life voters be informed voters.

Click here to go to the Nevada Right to Life site. Scroll down to two articles, "Nevada Right to Life PAC (Political Action Committee) makes Federal Endorsements" and "LIFEPAC General Election Endorsements" to see what candidates they are recommending.

Click here to go to the Nevada Concerned Citizens site. Their endorsements are on the front page.

Nevada LIFE, the group I belong to, is not a PAC (Political Action Committee) and we do not make endorsements, though our board members are free to and do give personal endorsements.

Pro-lifers can always cross check with pro-abortion Planned Parenthood's voter guide to see what they say about a person's position on pro-life issues. It's important to note that when Planned Parenthood says someone is "pro" or "leans pro", that means they are pro-abortion, not pro-life. Planned Parenthood will favor the pro-abortion candidate, not the pro-life candidate.

Where to Vote. Click here to go to the Nevada Secretary of State's early voting page to find out where to vote early in your county.

How important are elections to our cause? If John McCain were president, McCain would have already appointed two pro-justices and we would have a 5-4 advantage on the court and Roe would be in jeopardy. There would be no abortion funding or subsidies in any health care reform, the Reagan-Bush Mexico City Policy would still be in effect and Americans would not be funding abortion, abortion counseling and abortion advocacy around the world. If McCain were president Americans would not be funding the forced abortion and sterilization China One Child Policy through our funding of the United Nations Population Fund, and we would not be encouraging international treaties through the UN which force other nations to change their pro-life abortion law and more. That's how important elections are.

Don't forget state races. We need pro-life legislators in Carson City to introduce pro-life legislation and to protect important pro-life laws and regulations still on the books.

This is another important election in a series of many more elections. Be an informed voter and vote pro-life.  If you live in California, go the California Pro-Life Council website.

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