Sunday, November 25, 2012

Planned Parenthood Has Closed 173 Clinics in Last 20 Years

Planned Parenthood has closed 173 clinics in cast 20 years.  Under the Clinton administration, a goal of 2000 was set.  They peaked at 938 in 1995 but have fallen back to 749.  Not all Planned Parenthood clinics do abortions, but they are the leading abortion provider in the United States and are the leading proponent of abortion all over the country.   
Jim Sedlack with American Life League says “Planned Parenthood was unable to meet its goal because of the collaborative work of three diverse groups of people—and a carefully worked-out plan of opposition.  Those groups are:

1. Pro-life activists who understand that Planned Parenthood runs the largest abortion chain in the country. That it kills, every week, twice the number of innocent human beings who died on September 11, 2001.

2. Parents who become aware of the threat that Planned Parenthood is to their children. The parents who fight Planned Parenthood come in all stripes—progressive, conservative, black, white, Hispanic, and Asian. Many actually consider themselves “pro-choice,” but do not want Planned Parenthood anywhere near their children.

3. Fiscal conservatives. They become very motivated when they realize the obscene amount of taxpayer money going to Planned Parenthood. The fact that PP received almost one-half billion dollars last year—and will probably be approaching the billion dollar mark in taxpayer money very quickly—gets them rightfully upset.

I don’t know if I agree that Americans are ready to heap Planned Parenthood onto the dust bin of history yet.  That's where they belong, but Planned Parenthood is well financed and abortion advocates, as witnessed by their willingness to say anything to get what they want, will be formidable for some time.  But they seem to suffer the more people find out about their corrosive impact, the abortion leadership and the amount of public money they receive.

That’s the good news.  Click here to read the rest of the story.

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