Do we need Nevada Senator John Ensign’s bill “The Child Custody Protection Act (S 403) that would “prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions?" Of course we do.
1. If girls are not mature enough to gone on school field trips, get aspirin from school nurse, go to R rated moves, get tattoos, or have other elective surgery without parental notification and consent, then they are not mature enough to have an a serious surgical procedure with life changing as well as physical and emotional consequences like abortion. If parental consent is necessary for these other things, it’s mandatory for abortion.
2. We have an epidemic of statutory rape. Most teen and pre-teen girls are impregnated by adult men… These men use abortion to cover up and continue their crimes. The parent’s of teen father’s also use abortion to get rid of their responsibility. And abortion clinics almost never report suspicions of statutory rape and Clinics in states without parental laws advertise to girls in states with parental laws.
Right now Planned Parenthood is being sued for violating parental notification laws involving statutory rape and is suing in at least three states to keep investigators from looking into their records to see if they are failing to report suspicions. We need to make clear that we will not tolerate the exploitation of girls. This law will go be a powerful curb to prevent that. See my friend Mark Crutcher's site at on how abortion clinics handle statutory rape reporting and the horrifying impact of sex with older men on girls.
3. No one has the best interests of the child at heart like her parents-not the sexual predator; not the teen father’s parents and especially not the abortionist who the child sees for five minutes and who possesses no knowledge of her medical history nor has any reason to be concerned about her welfare. Opposing this law deprives parents of their authority to be responsible. It abandons girls to those who do not care and who will gain from her abortion.The Child Custody Protection Act will help parents have the authority necessary to be responsible for their children. Parents who don’t know do not know how to help children who experience complications. Exceptions are made for parents of the child, the child, and medical emergencies.
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