Do we need more embryonic stem cell lines and do we need newer ones because the existing ones are contaminated? Not according to the former chairman of the president's council on bioethics, Dr. Leon Kass.
As early as 2004 Chairman Kass said there is no shortage of embryonic stem cells. “…22 lines of eligible stem cells are available, up from just one line in the summer of 2002, with more coming -- enough lines for years of essential basic research that must precede any future therapy. Nearly 500 shipments of cells have already been made to researchers; 3,500 more sit ready for delivery upon request. There is no shortage of embryonic stem cells.” (Washington Post, October 8, 2004; Page A35). Nevada LIFE does not support the use of these embryonic stem cells, but we support the funding restrictions on any new killing of human embryos for research.
Chairman Kass’s comments show that targeting more embryos for destruction is unnecessary. There are plenty of lines now available for basic research and the President’s policy does allow for funding of embryonic stem cell lines in existence before August 9, 2001. $25 million was allocated last year for this type of stem cell research. The policy sets no cap on further increases. The United States leads the world in funding of ESCR and in research.
The anticipated brain drain has not occurred.
Aristotle once wrote that A=A; a
ReplyDeletething is what it is. The most profound truths are often the most difficult to deal with and the most challenging to put forth, especially in today's world.
Abortion;especially those because of rape and incest can NEVER be condoned, whether they are only 3 % or 8% or whatever
percent. The poet once wrote that a " child is a child, is a child, no matter how conceived." There is no condoning murder in any form for any reason. Period. A indeed is A.
Horrendous as rape is and traumatic as is incest, and recognizing it takes a woman of heroic virtue to bring this child to fruition, it must be noted that aborting such a child continues to undermine and jeoprodize not only society but our stance as pro-lifers. There are no exceptions at anytime, in any place. Pro-life is Pro life and moreover how conceived is not the child's fault.
The arguments against this are or appear to be overwhelming but the death of any child through abortion deprives our world of potentially heroic individuals or maybe not. This matters little. The born child has the destiny to express through freewill his opportunities, for good or ill but murder before hand deprives all of us as well as him or her the chance to embrace life and produce better things for the kingdom of God on earth.
Though not very holy myself, I often wonder how many poets, engineers, athletes,moms, entrepenures, doctors,just plain folks, have been murdered because they were conceived through violence or the fear of punishment. Tragic. The battle goes on; will we compromise or go for the gold? Ask your conscience!