Abortion advocates argue that legalization of abortion reduces maternal abortion. NOT! We've known this is not true for years. Education, good medicine and quality health care reduce maternal mortality, not abortion. In many nations that have legalized abortion, there are higher maternal mortality rates and there are lower maternal mortality rates in many nations with restrictive abortion laws. A 2010 Lancet study found lower worldwide mortality rates, but they did not mention abortion, despite pressure from abortion advocates to do so.
Life News reporter Andrew Bair cites a powerful Chilean study confirming that restricting abortion does not increase maternal mortality.
"A new study conducted on behalf of the Chilean Maternal Mortality
Research Initiative (CMMRI) reaffirms that legalized abortion does not
reduce the rate of maternal mortality. To the contrary, since Chile
enacted a law protecting unborn children in 1989, the maternal mortality
rate has dropped significantly."
Why did maternal morality drop? "The study included analysis covering 50 years of maternal mortality
data (1957-2007) from Chile’s National Institute of Statistics. The
analysis found that the most important factor in reducing maternal
mortality is the educational level of women. 'Educating women enhances
women’s ability to access existing health care resources, including
skilled attendants for childbirth, and directly leads to a reduction in
her risk of dying during pregnancy and childbirth,' according to Dr
Elard Koch, epidemiologist and leading author of the study.'
Education, good medicine and quality health care reduce maternal mortality, not abortion. Click here to read the rest of the story.
More Reading:
- Lancet Study Shows Abortion Advocates Wrong on Worldwide Maternal Mortality Claims
- Women's Health and Abortion: Evidence shows that legalizing abortion does not reduce maternal mortality
- The Lack of Modern Medicine and Quality Health Care, Not the Prohibition of Abortion, Results in High Maternal Mortality Rates
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