Campaign To Stigmatize Mormons
News is reporting that abortion supporters are planning to descend on parking
lots of large evangelical churches with literature and to make telephone calls
to Catholics in swing states to try to dissuade them from voting for pro-life
Governor Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon.
When we consider the racial component in abortion where the
vast majority of abortion clinics are in areas that are disproportionally Hispanic
or Black and considering
that black women have 30-35 percent of all abortions and Hispanic women
have 25 percent and other minorities have 9 percent, no pro-lifer should be
surprised at these attempts to promote religious bigotry. Almost nothing is as pathetic as promoting
religious bigotry for political purposes.
The pro-life movement is
made up of millions of religiously unaffiliated people, millions of Mormons,
millions of Catholics, evangelical, reformed, Pentecostal, charismatic, holiness,
fundamentalist, independent Christians as well as people from other religious
faiths. Our commitment to the sanctity
of life and to the protection of the unborn transcends our theological disagreements.
Nevada pro-life advocacy
includes many Mormons. We are all deeply
aware as to how instrumental Mormons have been, along with other pro-life
Catholics, evangelicals and others in promoting the pro-life cause in Nevada. Together we have kept Planned Parenthood from
establishing abortion promoting statewide sex education in our schools, from getting
abortion referring school based clinics into our schools and we’ve protected
conscience rights for pro-life pharmacists.
We’ve also crushed
an attempt to pass ERA in Nevada four years ago which, if successful, could have amended the US
Constitution to wipe out all abortion laws and regulations. Mormons have been a huge and faithful part of
that coalition preventing these evils.
That’s why it is always a
shock to hear any pro-lifer say they would not support a pro-life Mormon
because of his or her religious beliefs.
Our common cause of stopping another 56 million
abortions dwarfs whatever differences we have. Is any pro-lifer really willing to let
theological differences get in the way of electing someone who will appoint
pro-life justices to the Supreme Court, wipe out the Obama abortion policies, veto
abortion legislation, sign pro-life legislation, remove abortion from Obama
care etc?
The pro-life movement is
starring into the abyss of another generation of abortion. Right now the balance on the Supreme Court is
at least 5-4 in support of abortion rights.
If President Obama were to win re-election he will likely replace
retiring pro-life justices and protect Roe v Wade for another generation. He will keep pursuing federal funding of
abortion, increase abortion in Obama care, oppose abortion limitations and move
to roll back our gains. We are facing
another 50 million abortions and no pro-lifer could possibly go refuse to vote
for another pro-lifer based on his religion.
Abortion advocates are
going to engage in religious bigotry.
Don’t give them an inch.
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